Our mission is to PROVIDE and SUPPORT the most vital human needs helping local charity projects worldwide and FORM a global network to save the planet and humanity.
HELP independent artists and BRING YOU amazing art. PRODUCE fair clothing and fashion. SOLVE and AID the most important causes. PROTECT our ecosystem and RESTORE the planet to SAVE our future.
CONNECTING artists, organizations, charities, local governments and communities worldwide. By connecting them, CREATE jobs for thousands and millions of people and crucial causes.
Even if the economy, internet or energy grid collapses, our networks for essential human needs will be operative and provide jobs or trade in exchange for food, water or essential items.
We will SHARE transparent reports, photos and locations of all the projects we help globally. CONSOLIDATE trust. ATTRACT supporters, investors and donors that want to create a safer, better world for our children and future generations.
By the year 2025 our objetive is to help build local and global networks for food and drinkable water supplies, forest and ocean restoration, animal life and bees protection, creating jobs for critical causes to save the planet, humanity and create a better life for everyone.
Offering hope through the employment of tens of thousands of people, potentially millions, in countries around the world, with the funds we raise from our shop and donations.