
  • Save Humanity & the Planet: your purchase contributes to key causes to save our lives, the planet and humanity.
  • Fantastic Art: by independent artists - dress different.
  • High Quality: quality materials, iconic design.
  • Durable: made to last, more valuable, sustainable.
  • Eco-Friendly: environmentally friendly production.
  • Eco-Friendly Inks: OEKO-Tex 100 certified.
  • Better for your Skin: non-toxic materials, good for any skin.
  • Ethically Made: certified fair wages and safe work conditions.
  • Create Jobs: support independent artists and jobs worldwide.
  • Evolve: empower yourself, empower humanity.
  • Vegan & Cruelty Free: no animal cruelty, leather or skins, vegan item.
  • Virtually Zero Waste: our production is highly efficient and recycled.
  • Sustainable: consumption of our planet's resources is minimized.
  • Limited Edition: limited, exclusive, only available online.
  • Special: each piece is unique, one-of-a-kind, made to order.
  • 100% Free of Child Labor: save the children, say no to child labor.
  • 100% Sweatshop Free: our supply chain is 100% ethical.
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