1. When you complete an order, you will receive an email confirmation with your order details and tracking information!

2. Your ordered products will be delivered within 5-15 days, or 15-30 days for distant locations, from the reception of the confirmation email (subject to a valid payment by the user and the availability of the product ordered).

3. The products will be delivered to the address specified by you when the order was placed (important: make sure that your address is 100% correct). The delivery of the products will take place during working days (from Monday to Friday and outside festive days).

4. You are required to check all products and their packaging upon receipt.

In particular, the user must refuse delivery if the packaging and products are damaged, products are missing or if the packaging has been opened or repackaged. This is an extremelly rare case as 99% of our orders arrive in perfect conditions, but it might happen.

Any other anomaly due to the transport company must be inspected immediately by the user and reported on the transport/delivery document to the carrier. The user will have to follow the procedure established by the carrier. A copy of the findings made by the user will have to be sent to WorldWeCan by e-mail to the address returns@worldwecan.com.

5. In the rare event that you receive incorrect, defective or damaged goods, we will prioritize and make sure to get a replacement item shipped out to you as fast as possible! For more information, please check the Returns Policy.

6. Over 99% of our orders arrive perfectly. In the rare case that after 30 days you haven't received your order, contact the shipping company first. They may have your package, gave it to a neighbour or left it outside in a hidden place (bushes, etc.). After you checked your package status with the shipping company, and you need further help, contact us and we will help you and find a solution!

Disclaimer: These deadlines are for information purposes only. They do not constitute a commitment or 100% accuracy. WorldWeCan disclaims any liability in the event of any delay caused by major causes or strikes by the postal services or transport companies.

Of course, feel free to contact us at hello@worldwecan.com with any questions!
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