We are calling millions of people.
Donate 1$ to Save the World!



1 for the World Campaign

Are you worried about the safety and future of our planet? 

If the answer is yes, you can help us save the planet to create a better one for you and your family, with a micro-donation of only 1$.

Why Only 1 Dollar/Euro?

- Almost everyone can donate 1$
- Super Donations: we make it easy for you to create a safer planet
- Multiplier Impact Effect: the more people donates, the more we can help the world. If 100.000 people donate 1$ every month, that is $1.2 million to help people, protect our food chain and nature.

We believe this method is the easiest and most affordable for everyone. Your contribution, with others, activates thousands of relief points saving our world and preventing our extinction.

We provide food, water, save children, forests, oceans, reefs and much more (in only 12 months). Imagine we unite 10 million people donating 1$ per month so save our children and planet! Almost everyone can donate 1$. That's why we believe we can do it! We just need your help! Everyone's help!

Are the Donations Proven?

Yes! The donations go towards helping the planet and growing a viral network of humanitarian aid. We prove all donations with reports, photos and GPS coordinates. We work with great people and professionals, common but unique heroes and heroines of humanity. Donations are 100% proved and truly go towards great humanitarian causes you love.

You can see all the causes we are supporting here: Causes

What are you waiting for? The clock is running. The future of humanity depends of our collective actions. Join us!

Donate 1$

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