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Help Vital Causes
for our Survival!
Provide Food
We donate to create a food network, connecting terrain owners with workers, volunteers and investors, for sustainable food.
ShopDonate DirectlyProvide Food
We believe every child, man and woman should have access to food to thrive.
The main causes of hunger are job Instability, poverty, food shortages and waste, inefficient supply and infrastructure, unstable markets, environmental problems that affect food and water security, war and conflict, and food with poor nutritional quality. Supporting this campaign you help provide food to children and adults around the world, helping communities grow food sustainably and fulfill this essential need while creating jobs and expanding access to it worldwide. Supply food for all humanity!
● IT'S A BASIC NEED: Food provides us the essential nutrients to live.
● IT'S A HUMAN RIGHT: We all have a right to food, it is highlighted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
● IT EMPOWERS DEVELOPMENT: If we don't have access to the essential nutrients we need, it slows our ability to make progress individually and collectively.
● OUR SURVIVAL: We need to expand food access to survive.
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plants trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!
Give Water to All
We believe water is an essential human right & that everyone should have access to it.
Water is an essential nutrient and plays a key role in the human body. We can survive up to several weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Every system in the body, from cells and tissues, to vital organs requires water to function.
- Water carries nutrients to the cells in our body and oxygen to our brain.
- Water allows the body to absorb and assimilate minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose and other substances.
- Water flushes out toxins and waste.
- Water helps to regulate body temperature.
- Water helps fight off illness.
- Water aids cognitive function and improves mood.
- Water prevents dehydration and organ failure.
- Water acts as a lubricant for joints and muscles.
- Water helps maximize physical performance.
Up to 60% of the human body is water. Supporting sustainable clean water projects is essential to children, men and women. Join us to expand water access to communities around the world with wells, piped systems, bio water filters and water harvesting systems. Shop the collection or donate below!
● THE AIR WE BREATHE: It produces more than 50% of the air we breathe.
● CLIMATE REGULATION: It helps our planet climate regulation.
● RECREATION: It's recreational and benefitial for humans.
● TRANSPORTATION: It serves for transportation.
● HEALTH: It provides us health benefits and medicine.
● ECONOMY: It provides benefits and food for more than 500 million people.
● OUR SURVIVAL: We need to protect the oceans to survive!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plant trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!
Save our Forests
We believe forests are critical for our survival with air, biodiversity & ecosystem protection.
Forests are essential for our ecosystem, and the ecosystem is essential for us. Forests are under threat due to agribusiness, illegal logging, paper and pulp logging, and their destruction for mining of coal, metals and oil, dams and roads.
● The air we breathe: Trees absorb harmful pollutants and release clean oxygen for us to breath. They are like the vacuum cleaners of our planet, essential to our ecosystem.
● Biodiversity: One tree can be a home for hundreds of species of insects, mammals, plants and life supporting fungi. Species thrive on different types of trees depending on their individual needs. A big part of animal life would be homeless without the forests.
● Clean Water: Trees have intricate root systems that act like filters, they capture water, remove pollutants and slow water absorption into the ground, reducing the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides.
● Social impact: Trees provide jobs for arborists, loggers, researches and an endless number of forestry industry job opportunities. Sustainable tree farming provides timber to build shelter and homes, and wood for cooking and heating.
● Health: Trees help reduce stress, anxiety and allow us to reconnect with nature. Additionally, the shadow of the trees protect us from excessive sun exposure which is harmful for the skin, eyes and immune system.
● Nutrition: Food growing trees provide fruit, nuts, berries and leaves for humans and animals, giving us health and nutrition.
● Survival: We need to save the forests to protect our ecosystem!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plant trees.
● Very cost-effective: 10 trees every 1$.
● Also, we raise awareness donating shirts, merch & wall art to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save forests!
Provide Food
We donate to create a food network, connecting terrain owners with workers, volunteers and investors, for sustainable food.
ShopDonate DirectlyRestore Oceans
We believe oceans provide us life essential needs & that we must preserve them to live.
Oceans are key to sustain life in our planet. They are under threat mainly due to sea, land and air pollution, trash and pesticides, factories that discharge sewage, coral reefs degradation, ocean acidification and overfishing. This can cause long-lasting damage to marine, wildlife and fisheries, damaging our precious ecosystem. In order to protect humanity and our future, let's save the oceans!
● THE AIR WE BREATHE: It produces more than 50% of the air we breathe.
● CLIMATE REGULATION: It helps our planet climate regulation.
● RECREATION: It's recreational and benefitial for humans.
● TRANSPORTATION: It serves for transportation.
● HEALTH: It provides us health benefits and medicine.
● ECONOMY: It provides benefits and food for more than 500 million people.
● SURVIVAL: We need to protect the oceans to survive!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plants trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!
Save Animals
We believe animals are important to mantain a healthy ecosystem & food chain.
Animals are facing various threats such as habitat loss due to human destruction and environmental pollution that leads to unhealthy ecosystems and puts wildlife at greater risk for disease. Plus their overexplotation, which is the over use of wildlife and plant species by people for food, clothing, pets, medicine, sports and exploitative purposes. Let's protect animals and save our ecosystem!
● TO SAVE THE FOOD CHAIN: When we save animal species, we are protecting all our wildlife, all our ecosystems and all humans.
● PLANETARY BENEFITS: Healthy plant and animal communities keep our water clean, pollinate our crops, and protect our homes from floods and storms.
● ECOSYSTEM PRESERVATION: Biodiversity is essential for a healthy and functional ecosystem. If wildlife is extracted from its natural habitat, the delicate balance of the ecosystem will be disturbed which will then lead to disastrous results.
For instance, there is a wide diversity of species living in a tropical rain forest. If any species should become extinct, the food chain will be disrupted affecting all the species. For this reason, preserving biodiversity is one of the main reasons why we should save the animals.
● FOR EDUCATION: Wildlife and animals gets kids excited about the natural world and time spent outdoors and learning from the natural life, keep our communities mentally and physically healthy.
● RECREATION: From bird to whale or dolphin watching, wild-life related recreation supports million of jobs and families. Always support ethical and eco-concious animal recreation.
● THEY DON’T HAVE A VOICE: Animals that are badly treated cannot express their need for help. We must step up and help them overcome any injustice they experience. They need our help.
● OUR SURVIVAL: We need to save the animals to protect our ecosystem!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plant trees.
● Very cost-effective: 10 trees every 1$.
● Also, we raise awareness donating shirts, merch & wall art to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global action to save forests!
Save the Bees
We believe bees are critical for our survival. And that collectivelly, we can save them.
Bees are at the heart of our survival. One in three bites of food we eat depends entirely on bees – and they have been dying at unprecedented rates. There has been a 300% increase in crop production requiring bee pollination worldwide, and bee colonies are reducing by 30% each year (Kluser, et all.). Their hard work is not only essential to healthy ecosystems, but to sustaining animal and human life too.
● THE FOOD WE EAT: Bees pollinate one-third of the food we eat.
● ECONOMIC BENEFITS: They provide economic benefits and are vital to grow crops of almonds, apples, cucumbers, blueberries and more.
● BEES BENEFIT BIODIVERSITY: Bees contribute to the countryside, to gardens and general enrichment of landscapes. They are beneficial to the environment generally.
● TREES NEED BEES: Not only flowers and food crops benefit from pollination. Trees and its fruits benefit from it, and bees from them.
● THEY SUSTAIN FARMERS: Bees help people and communities, especially in developing countries. They help communities to earn a sustainable living and pollinate food crops through beekeeping.
● THEY WARN US ABOUT ENVIRONMENT HEALTH: Honey bees provide an opportunity to judge longer term environmental health, since they are one of the few insect species which produce colonies which are meant to survive for multiple years.
● MEDICINE: Bees provide a wide range of medicinal, antibiotic properties and health benefits.
● ECOSYSTEM: A single beehive will visit 500.000.000 flowers in the course of a year, and because of their hard work, flowering plants are able to grow strong, produce oxygen, decrease soil erosion, and all the living beings on the planet, including us, can eat food.
● OUR SURVIVAL: We need to protect the bees to survive!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations save bees.
● We build bee homes and gardens, innovative anti-viral mushroom feeders, plant trees for bees and support local beekeepers worldwide.
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of bees around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the bees.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save the bees!
Provide Food
We donate to create a food network, connecting terrain owners with workers, volunteers and investors, for sustainable food.
ShopDonate DirectlyBuild Schools
We believe every child has a right to an education. With your help, it will be a REALITY.
Studies prove that education changes everything. Education yields a larger impact than ANY other form of help or aid we give. Just learning to read and write can bring millions out of poverty. And they can become the next greatest scientists or doctors! When enough of us come together to take a stand for the children and give a little bit, even if it's little, every child CAN receive education, nutrition and joy!
● HEALTH: For every year of education, the chances of catching illnesses goes down.
● BIRTH CONTROL: Prevention decreases early pregnancy rates.
● ECONOMIC BENEFITS: Income potential increases exponentially.
● LESS POVERTY: Just learning to READ and WRITE could lift more than 170 million people out of poverty.
● NUTRITION: For many underprivileged communities, schools can provide the essential food for the nutrition of the children who attend.
● LIFE PROGRESS: For every new child that starts receiving an education, new potential benefits for our civilization emerge in the upcoming years. As these same children can become the next great doctors, innovators and artists.
● OUR FUTURE: Empowering children is essential for the future of humanity.
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations save bees.
● We build bee homes and gardens, innovative anti-viral mushroom feeders, plant trees for bees and support local beekeepers worldwide.
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of bees around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the bees.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save the bees!
Rescue Dogs & Cats
We believe every dog & cat deserves a life without suffering. Together, we can do it!
Oceans are key to sustain life in our planet. They are under threat mainly due to sea, land and air pollution, trash and pesticides, factories that discharge sewage, coral reefs degradation, ocean acidification and overfishing. This can cause long-lasting damage to marine, wildlife and fisheries, damaging our precious ecosystem. In order to protect humanity and our future, let's save the oceans!
● THE AIR WE BREATHE: It produces more than 50% of the air we breathe.
● CLIMATE REGULATION: It helps our planet climate regulation.
● RECREATION: It's recreational and benefitial for humans.
● TRANSPORTATION: It serves for transportation.
● HEALTH: It provides us health benefits and medicine.
● ECONOMY: It provides benefits and food for more than 500 million people.
● SURVIVAL: We need to protect the oceans to survive!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plants trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!
Save the Children
We believe every child deserves a good life, supporting & helping them thrive.
Oceans are key to sustain life in our planet. They are under threat mainly due to sea, land and air pollution, trash and pesticides, factories that discharge sewage, coral reefs degradation, ocean acidification and overfishing. This can cause long-lasting damage to marine, wildlife and fisheries, damaging our precious ecosystem. In order to protect humanity and our future, let's save the oceans!
● THE AIR WE BREATHE: It produces more than 50% of the air we breathe.
● CLIMATE REGULATION: It helps our planet climate regulation.
● RECREATION: It's recreational and benefitial for humans.
● TRANSPORTATION: It serves for transportation.
● HEALTH: It provides us health benefits and medicine.
● ECONOMY: It provides benefits and food for more than 500 million people.
● SURVIVAL: We need to protect the oceans to survive!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plants trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!
Provide Food
We donate to create a food network, connecting terrain owners with workers, volunteers and investors, for sustainable food.
ShopDonate DirectlyRaise Awareness
Help campaigns to spread the word about important life topics to save our future.
Oceans are key to sustain life in our planet. They are under threat mainly due to sea, land and air pollution, trash and pesticides, factories that discharge sewage, coral reefs degradation, ocean acidification and overfishing. This can cause long-lasting damage to marine, wildlife and fisheries, damaging our precious ecosystem. In order to protect humanity and our future, let's save the oceans!
● THE AIR WE BREATHE: It produces more than 50% of the air we breathe.
● CLIMATE REGULATION: It helps our planet climate regulation.
● RECREATION: It's recreational and benefitial for humans.
● TRANSPORTATION: It serves for transportation.
● HEALTH: It provides us health benefits and medicine.
● ECONOMY: It provides benefits and food for more than 500 million people.
● SURVIVAL: We need to protect the oceans to survive!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plants trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!
Save the Homeless
We believe every child & adult should have a home & bring their talents to society.
On street corners and sidewalks, along riverbeds and railways, in small communities and large cities, human suffering is on heartbreaking display. Some of our most vulnerable residents—families, individuals, veterans, youth, and the mentally ill— struggle to emerge from homelessness and rebuild their lives. In response to this crisis, we find homeless children, men and women and provide them with the help to develop useful skills, provide them jobs, develop their careers and create a stronger society. Together, we can do it!
● IT COULD BE YOU: You would want someone to help if you were in trouble and needed a hand. It could be you, your brother, sister, mother or father.
● GIVE BACK HOPE: Many of the homeless people you see in the streets had jobs or families before, things can go bad due to several different causes. Instead of being left alone, let’s give them hope. Let’s give them a hand and show them that humanity is not lost. We are in this together.
● MAKE A DIFFERENCE: The best way to help the homeless is to provide him or her with the skills to sustain themselves. Giving them skills and a bit of a bump at the start, can land them a job that can bring a whole new future.
● FEEL GOOD: When you help someone it makes you feel good and they appreciate it and gives them strength to get better. You also feel good because you know that helping them will help raise the level of wellness of our society overall.
● BETTER COMMUNITIES: Helping the homeless reintegrate, teach them skills to perform jobs and provide their own unique value to society creates stronger and better local communities.
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plants trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!
Help Covid-19 Relief
We believe we can help people in need, especially those affected by the lockdowns.
Oceans are key to sustain life in our planet. They are under threat mainly due to sea, land and air pollution, trash and pesticides, factories that discharge sewage, coral reefs degradation, ocean acidification and overfishing. This can cause long-lasting damage to marine, wildlife and fisheries, damaging our precious ecosystem. In order to protect humanity and our future, let's save the oceans!
● THE AIR WE BREATHE: It produces more than 50% of the air we breathe.
● CLIMATE REGULATION: It helps our planet climate regulation.
● RECREATION: It's recreational and benefitial for humans.
● TRANSPORTATION: It serves for transportation.
● HEALTH: It provides us health benefits and medicine.
● ECONOMY: It provides benefits and food for more than 500 million people.
● SURVIVAL: We need to protect the oceans to survive!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plants trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!
Provide Food
We donate to create a food network, connecting terrain owners with workers, volunteers and investors, for sustainable food.
ShopDonate DirectlySpread World Peace
We believe we can live in peace. Humanity is evolving from competition to cooperation.
Your donation will be used to fund our peace-building efforts worldwide. Which include public campaigns to support peace and all its benefits. Why peace matters? Because peace means a safer and better world for all. You'll be able to track 100% of funds donated with reports and locations.
● SAFER COMMUNITIES: Peace between all the communities in our civilization is key to live in a safer planet!
● ECONOMIC BENEFITS: It provides economic benefits and nurtures positive relationships between all citizens, strengthening and empowering business and economic relations. Going to war is costly in human lives and economically. It's cheaper to cooperate with your enemy than try to destroy each other.
● PEACE BENEFITS DIVERSITY: Humankind is diverse. Integration of all races, ages and religions is vital for a better and evolved human cooperation in social and humanitarian projects.
● WE NEED PEACE: Humans are meant to live in peace. We cannot live, thrive and progress in communities where peace does not exist. Peace means a better life for everyone!
● OUR SURVIVAL: Wars and competition only lead to self-destruction. Humankind must cooperate in peace to survive. We need to support peace to survive!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plants trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!
Save the Music
We believe music can heal. We will create events & support artists while giving back.
Oceans are key to sustain life in our planet. They are under threat mainly due to sea, land and air pollution, trash and pesticides, factories that discharge sewage, coral reefs degradation, ocean acidification and overfishing. This can cause long-lasting damage to marine, wildlife and fisheries, damaging our precious ecosystem. In order to protect humanity and our future, let's save the oceans!
● THE AIR WE BREATHE: It produces more than 50% of the air we breathe.
● CLIMATE REGULATION: It helps our planet climate regulation.
● RECREATION: It's recreational and benefitial for humans.
● TRANSPORTATION: It serves for transportation.
● HEALTH: It provides us health benefits and medicine.
● ECONOMY: It provides benefits and food for more than 500 million people.
● SURVIVAL: We need to protect the oceans to survive!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plants trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!
Religions Peace
We believe people of all religions can coexist & support a thriving world for each other.
Oceans are key to sustain life in our planet. They are under threat mainly due to sea, land and air pollution, trash and pesticides, factories that discharge sewage, coral reefs degradation, ocean acidification and overfishing. This can cause long-lasting damage to marine, wildlife and fisheries, damaging our precious ecosystem. In order to protect humanity and our future, let's save the oceans!
● THE AIR WE BREATHE: It produces more than 50% of the air we breathe.
● CLIMATE REGULATION: It helps our planet climate regulation.
● RECREATION: It's recreational and benefitial for humans.
● TRANSPORTATION: It serves for transportation.
● HEALTH: It provides us health benefits and medicine.
● ECONOMY: It provides benefits and food for more than 500 million people.
● SURVIVAL: We need to protect the oceans to survive!
● Shop, donate & spread the word.
● Your purchases & donations plants trees.
● Very cost-effective. 10 trees every 1$
● Also, we donate shirts, merch & wall art that raises its awareness to schools, unprivileged children, charities & communities.
● Support the creation & protection of forests around the world.
● Fund teams of professionals that work on campaigns for the mission.
● Create jobs to save the forests.
● 100% proven with photos, locations.
● Teams & local projects worldwide.
● Support a global network to save oceans!